vibes of Qatar on weekends

 I live in Qatar and here the vibe is just so diffrent and chilled at weekends like people have shisha,chillin with friends,drifting,quadbikes,beachparties,hangouts etc etc.

i got to srsly feel this after 7 months and it was fab! i went around the Souq waqif(Qatari traditional souq) there i had been vibing in the beach,cafes and all its just amazing  i actually dobt eat fried stuff because i do workout but becoz weekends are my cheat day and it had been so long so i decided to eat Bbq fish at the fish market where they bbq it freshly and it just tastes amazing i will post it down👇

But before that as u guys know i shoot some photos where ever i go with my outfit just for my blogs👩‍💻

Here they are:

Souq wakrah

This the bbq fish dinner that i mentioned above
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